Foursquare More Secure with HTTPS

In the last 6 or so months, we’ve been shown the importance of being safe while surfing the web. A Firefox plugin called Firesheep debuted last year that showed us how easy it is to assume the identity of anyone signed into a website while surfing on an unsecured website. That is, if you’re signed…

Searching Twitter On Your Mobile

Since the rise of Twitter and the associated “real-time web”, much attention has been paid to how real-time search could perhaps pass conventional search results in usability and relativity.’a0 I’ll leave this debate to the blogosphere and social media anthropologists, but I do want point out one fact: searching Twitter on the mobile platform leaves…

Got Linux? Then Get AIR!

Adobe has released a public beta of Adobe AIR for Linux. What is AIR? It stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime and allows an HTML/JavaScript environment for developers to make awesome applications that look great and run on Windows, Mac OS X, and now Linux. The applications developed in AIR also have the same look and…