Google Unveils Spaces Tool For Small Group Sharing

It doesn’t matter if you’re on a computer or on a mobile phone, sharing items with a group of people is a total pain. On a computer, we have Facebook groups, chain emails and the like and over and mobile we use group texts (totally old-school), WhatsApp groups and the like.

Google is aiming to simplify group sharing with the brand’s new Spaces tool. Unveiled on Monday, Spaces is an app for iOS, web, and Android that enables small groups of folks to share articles, videos/images and anything accessible via Google search. In essence, the app is Google, YouTube and Chrome built into one app with threaded messaging built right in.

What’s cool, as well, is that all comments and threads are easily findable via search within the App. So, if you’re trying to find a message from weeks ago on a book that was shared in your Book Club Space (Google Space, in this case), you can find it instantly with Search.

So, if you’re planning a vacation with a group of friends, engaged in a work group around a certain topic (I could easily use this to share things with my co-workers via mobile) or similar, give Spaces a try.

But first, a warning

Google launched Spaces ahead of Google I/O, the company’s annual developer conference and will be using Spaces around conference sessions. Knowing Google and how the company cuts projects constantly, I would not keep anything that you need to access long-term.

In reality, Spaces is competing with apps such as Slack and WhatsApp and these apps will be around long-term in case you want a more future-proof group collaboration app that’s native to both desktop and mobile.

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