Make your own Moto 360 on Moto Maker

As of today, Motorola has added Moto 360 to Moto Maker, meaning you can design and personalize your own Android Wear smartwatch. Moto Maker is Motorola’s design studio where the Moto X smartphone can be personalized. On the Moto X, you can add colored backs, leather and even bamboo if you desire.

Moto 360 is Motorola’s smartwatch companion that was launched in August of 2014. With the new Moto Maker option, you can personalize your watch to your design and taste.

I just recently used Moto Maker to design my Moto X Pure Edition which I use on T-Mobile. Using Moto Maker was a breeze and being able to customize my phone was really cool.

Will you be getting a new Moto 360?

(Official Motorola Blog)

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