Sonos is a tech product that I utilize every single day. As a technology blogger, I get distracted by shiny new objects constantly. It’s not very often that a tech stays in my portfolio for more than a few months.
However, Sonos does. Sonos is the only way I consume music in my household. In fact, my wife and kids love it to. We have 3 Sonos devices that pump sound into our rooms including the Play:5, Play:3 and the Connect. All these devices sound superb, however, the Play:3 lacks bass compared to its older big brother.
Sonos’ latest announcement caught my attention as the company is going to release the Sonos SUB, a self-contained powered sub-woofer that will connect with other Sonos components to give optimized, whole-room bass.
The SUB is 15.8×6.2×15 inches in dimension, so it’s larger than an S5. The device works with every Sonos component except the Sonos Connect, ZP90 and ZP80). Lastly, the Sonos SUB weighs 36 pounds.
I don’t have a Sonos SUB to test/review yet, but according to blogs I’ve read the bass performance is amazing. The SUB is set to be user-friendly (like the rest of the system) so you can ‘set it and forget it”.
The main sticky complaint with the SUB is its price – which is set at $699. For what it’s worth, the Sonos components I’ve bought seemed expensive at the time and the sound quality and ease of use have made me a happy customer.
Are you interested in Sonos SUB?