Telework Week begins this week – the week of 14-18 February. What is so special about Teleworking? Well most obviously, if it works for your job type and with your manager, those who have the ability to work from whatever place you’d like to.
In my work, my physical location doesn’t mean much. Most of my work is via phone and email and over IM. Being out of the office is no hindrance to me, as long as I am not out of the office for too many days.
Then, there are environmental benefits. According to the Telework Research Network, if the 41 million Americans who have jobs that could be done form home chose to do so at least one day per week, there would be $772 million in savings including:
- $494 million saved in commuter costs
- $185 million from 2.3 million barrelsof oil saved
- 423,000 tons of greenhouse gas saved, equivalent of taking 77,000 cars off the road for a year.
Nowaday, companies big and small are embracing teleworking. Also, now with the Teleworking Enhancement Act, US Federal agencies are enabling their workers to work from home where it’s appropriate.
For my friends and acquaintances, the ability to work from home is a free way for employers to build equity in their employees. By making it possible to work from home, companies offer their employees to be there for appointments, skip a stressful commute and otherwise be more productive at home. Personally speaking, I’m easily 20% more efficient when I’m out of the office – likely because I have less interruptions.
I hope you embrace Telework Week and approach your employer about the ability to work form home or from whatever space makes you more happy. For me, I go between working at a local coffee house (that has conference rooms I can get when I need to make a call) and in my home office.
(hat tip: Web Worker Daily)