Amazon Gives Prime Members Free Streaming Movies and TV Shows

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you’re already used to the idea of getting free 2-day shipping on all your orders or next-day shipping for just $3.99 for an entire order. This $79 per year add-on is worth it for folks who regularly utilize Amazon to get supplies and goods.  Well, Amazon Prime has added another bonus for Prime members.

As of yesterday, Amazon Prime members can have a new benefit that allow them to stream Amazon’s library of TV shows and movies. That’s right, Prime members can now stream 5,000 titles in an unlimited fashion instantly to TV sets and DVD players equipped to use Amazon’s streaming service. According to Amazon, there are millions of Amazon Prime members.

The movie and TV show streaming market is heating up. Netflix (the service I use most often) has been building up their streaming library heavily for about two years and boasts around 20,000 items. Also, last week, Redbox confirmed plans to get into the streaming business, which would augment the company’s already cheap $1.00 per day DVD kiosks.

Would you use Amazon over Netflix? For me – Netflix is a huge value at $7 / month and they have a great library that my family uses literally every day.

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