Taptu WIll Be At Gnomedex!

Gnomedex is a great summer event where 400 social media types, new media producers, and anyone interested in technology confer upon Seattle for a 2 day conference.’a0 Gnomedex, hosted by Chris Pirillo, is a unique conference in that it is a one-track event and everyone is in the same room all experiencing the same presentations and talking about them actively in real-time.

Topics range from technology to society and everywhere in between.’a0 We’ve watched a Mars Rover Driver from NASA talk and have also helped raise money to send a woman residing in a third world country to college with Beth Kanter.

This will be my fourth Gnomedex and this year I’m glad to have a Taptu friend joining me, Benjamin Southworth.’a0 So, this year, there will be two Taptu-ans in Seattle mixing and mingling, trying to make new friends and learn something new.

If you’re at the conference, look for us!’a0 Can’t wait to see everyone in Seattle!

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