RWW Mobile Summit Wrap-Up

I spent today in Mountain View, California at the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit.’a0 The event was an un-conference, which is a unique kind of event.’a0 If you have ever been to a BarCamp, you are familiar with the idea of an unconference.

In an unconference, there is no preset agenda.’a0 Sessions are proposed by anyone interested in exploring a subject and a schedule is built dynamically on the spot.’a0 Participants are encouraged to wander around between sessions as you see fit.

What type of audience participated in the RWW Mobile Summit? The crowd at the Mobile Summit was mainly made up of developers and designers.’a0 There were some app developers, some mobile web developers, and product managers.’a0 The attending audience could be described as the thinkers and do-ers inside the companies who are innovating in the mobile space.

What did we talk about? Much of the conversations were centered around a few themes.’a0 These central tenants included: augmented reality, mobile apps vs. native apps, benefits of the various mobile platforms, and mobile messaging.

The Mobile Summit was very conversational’85topics sometimes deviated and this was perfect.’a0 The sessions ended up being active exchanges of ideas.’a0 Sometimes they were educational and even a bit confrontational.’a0 HTML5 was a major theme I was interested in and the drawbacks of various platforms including iPhone and Android.

All in all, the RWW Mobile Summit was a huge success. Richard MacManus and the ReadWriteWeb team should be very proud of the event they produced.

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