Taptu Plans Move to USA

Cambridge, MA

Harvard, Here We Come!

Taptu, everyone’s favorite touch web discovery engine, has decided to move corporate headquarters from Cambridge, UK to the United States. When asked, Taptu officials said a change was simply needed at this point in time.

Taptu CEO Steve Ives was quoted as saying, “When it comes down to it, it’s just time for a change of scenery. The UK weather can be quite grey and gloomy sometimes, so we’re moving the whole crew to sunny Massachusets and ditching Cambridge, UK.”

The company will occupy a brand new office park in Camridge, Massachusetts, just outside of the major city of Boston, MA.

When asked about the move, Taptu Office Administrator Celia Jones said, “I’m thrilled to get out of the UK..this winter has been quite snowy and I need a change. And, with us going to Cambridge, US; we don’t even have to change our letterhead or stationary!”

Taptu hopes to complete the move within a few weeks.

(Photo credit: Flickr user AntyDiluvian)

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