iPhone/iPod Touch users: fire up your App Store, there’s a new version of Taptu waiting for you to update to.
For this release of the iPhone app, our team was focused on introducing a few new features and enhancing the speed and fluid-ness within the application.’a0 Go grab the new version now, in iTunes!
User interface changes
- Flick through your saved sites. Now, if you have sites that you’ve saved (kind of like bookmarks), you can flick through them rather than viewing as a list.’a0 Check your favorites every day!
- Autosuggestion.’a0 As you start typing a search, the App will learn from your searching and suggest things automatically.’a0 This means less pecking on the keyboard.
- Easier to share items. Want to share something out to email/Twitter/Facebook?’a0 Just click the ‘i’ in the lower right hand corner.’a0 Click, share, done!
Performance/Backend items
- Faster with lower memory usage. We’ve tweaked the memory usage, so your search result cards come in fast and furious now.
- New sources. We’ve increased the amount of information sources for images and wallpapers.’a0 More selection, sweet!
- Bug fixes. There are loads of miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Please let us know if you find areas we need to improve.’a0 Leave a comment on this post or email me at [email protected] with all your feedback items.