An N900 Amazing Feature: Group Skype Calling

Skype On T-Mobile and Nokia N900

I’ve been using the Nokia N900 now for a month or so and I am finding so many cool uses for this phone.  You see, I do a lot of Skype calling throughout the day because I work with folks up and down the West coast of the U.S. and folks in the UK quite a bit as well.

The other day, we needed to do a Skype conference call with 3 other folks – 1 in San Francisco, 1 in Denver, and 1 in London.  I didn’t have my computer with me, just my mobile phone: that is, the all powerful Nokia N900.  We fired up a Skype call with between one other participant and myself…then added the 2 other folks.

It was awesome, I was doing a cross-country and cross-Atlantic VoIP call over Skype on the N900.  Oh and also, this was over T-Mobile’s 3G network, not over Wi-Fi!  This phone is amazing!

Also, the sound quality was excellent…no cut-outs or anything.

8 comments on “An N900 Amazing Feature: Group Skype Calling
  1. Pingback: Skype for Mobile – Now Focusing on a True Skype User Experience | Voice on the Web

  2. Hi there,
    This is brilliant. I am sure you might be enjoying the Phone. I have a question though, does skype work on T-Mobile in the UK?
    please let me know if you are aware.
    Many thanks.


  3. Yes it will work, though T-Mobile in the UK has various plans one of which is NO VOIP.

    Also, remember the TMOBILE USA frequencies are different than what is in the UK, but the N900 can still handle it.

  4. Pingback: Skype Video Calling on The N900 via T-Mobile 3G » | Craving Tech, Craving Life!

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