An Ode to Mobile World Congress, By Bob Last

I recently asked Bob Last, a co-founder and our VP of Business Development, to give some perspective from his point of view on Mobile World Congress.’a0 Bob wrote a great poem, and here it is for you to enjoy!

Another year at MWC Barcelona has passed
The GSM-A annual blast
50,000 suits and smart phones
3000 vendors and sales drones

Added value this year from Spain:
Day 1 with torrential rain
But hey! we’92re in the halls
Touchscreens adorning all walls

A theme this year to share?
Well 3 really to be fair
Touchscreens, apps and 4G
A mobile data orgy

Touchscreens, the new black
Everywhere, from all the pack
With whistles, bells and maps
Widgets, colours and apps

Come develop to our platform, do!
Our apps number too few
But Apple are the choice for most
Developers know the rest are toast

Except that this, big G
Giving Nexus Ones out for free
It spread on Twitter and Digg
Android is the alternative gig

That leaves Carriers to carry
And 4G they are forced to marry
Or face the eternal hells
Of data-crazed clogged cells

So LTE this time had bite
Very evident in China’92s might
Broadband for all they say
But can data make it pay?

And Windows Phone 7 got aired
Bing search not bundled but paired
A good looker from ear to ear
But not available till later this year

And what of Taptu? you say
Well touch has cometh the day
And data capacity does matter
Judging by the show patter

Touch-friendly search may be all new
and the touch-friendly web known to few
But the issues they address are hot
And MWC is hitting the spot

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