Wapedia Now Available For WebOS Including Palm Pre and Pixi

At Taptu, we’re big on making sure we meet our users where their needs lie.

Wapedia on WebOSThis is why we have taken Wapedia from the mobile web to the iPhone platform, onto Android, and today we’re announcing the availability of Wapedia on our newest platform, WebOS!

We’re very excited about the new version that is available immediately in the Palm Catalog for the Palm Pre and the newly released Palm Pixi.’a0 Using Wapedia on WebOS, you can browse articles and search for the articles you’re interested in with predictive search (very cool!).

So, Palm Pre and Pixi users, welcome to the world of Wapedia – we believe using it is the best way to browse and experience Wikipedia (and other wikis, too!) on your mobile handset.

Since we started looking at the Palm community around WebOS…we found this really cool site we wanted to share.’a0 It’s called House of Palm and it is a great site to discover and find new apps for your beloved Palm device.’a0 The page for our Wapedia app is brand new (as our app is) and has fantastic info including ratings, screenshots, and other goodies for discovering new apps to trial.

As always, we’re always looking for feedback.’a0 Please email comments to [email protected] and connect with us on Twitter.

UPDATE: As of Tuesday at around 8:00AM, we just learned that we already surpassed 10,000 downloads of the Wapedia app for WebOS!’a0 Thanks to everyone who has checked out the app!

More screenshots below:

Wapedia on WebOS Wapedia on WebOS

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