Perspective: From an iPhone To A Nokia N97 Mini

Matt Radford recently posted a guest post over at All About Symbian that interested me.  Matt talks about going to a N97 Mini after being a regular iPhone user.

He gives some great perspectives and feedback that I think Espoo (where Nokia is from) should pay attention to, mainly with regards to ease of use and user experience.

Matt talks about how the N97 Mini has some qualities that make the hardware better than the iPhone’s, but the overall experience made him conclude that the N97 Mini isn’t the device for him.

It’s interesting to get different perspectives…I enjoyed Matt’s!

One comment on “Perspective: From an iPhone To A Nokia N97 Mini
  1. we have an n97 user in our office, and I tried it out having been an S60 user for some time (E65 and now E71). I wanted to like it, didn’t mind the cut-down keyboard, but I found the user interface was worse than the older S60 – for example, I liked having a dedicated copy/paste key on the E65, but on the n97 you had to jump through menus to find it.

    There were other quirks too and I quickly got fed up with it within the ten minutes of playing which put me off ever considering one. Maybe a more recent firmware would help but there’s only so much lipstick you can put on a pig!

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