Hot on the heels after we released the “World’s First Dedicated Real Time Search On Mobile” (as Read Write Web described it) in partnership with those smart people at OneRiot. Today we’re adding the Palm Pre and HTC Magic to the list of mobiles that can get this service, and making a few changes to the interface which we love, and hope you do too.
Ever since Taptu first started out we’ve tried to innovate our interface – making it as easy as possible to find mobile goodness. We introduced image thumbnails,’a0 mobile sized summaries of’a0 destination sites, popular searches and hot topics on the home page for those moments when you’re bored etc…But to average Joe, we looked like any other search engine. Then along came the iPhone BOOM! and we were able to innovate again with a new way to browse the touch friendly web by flicking and swiping just like the way we browse photos and images on our iPhone. We also turned Taptu “black” as it seemed to fit better,’a0 felt richer and possibly a tiny bit cooler 😉
Thanks to the new screen capabilities of not just the iPhone but all the new Touch devices we all see down our local mobile store we’re now saying goodbye to white backgrounds for good- we’re now able go black without any reduction in usability – and so would like to introduce our new look. Taptu black, the new white.
Now with this new look you still get all the great features of Taptu: fast access to the Touch Friendly web (that’s great sites that work on your touch phone), keep up with the word on the street with Realtime buzz search (thnx to OneRiot) and of course awesome image search for that perfect wallpaper.
Our new look is available to those lucky owners of Nokia 5800, N97, Blackberry Storm 1, iPhone & iPod touch and we’ve added Palm Pre and the HTC Magic in this release. If you’ve got one of these then simply visit, and let us know what you think.
Now if we were an international carrier or global device manufacturer we’d probably announce this by creating black ‘snow’ storm on 5th Avenue or switching to a black ball in a major football game or some other stunt like that, but we’re not one of those. So we just thought we’d let our friends and fans know. We hope you like it as much we do. Please let us know what you think, leave us a message in the comments or @taptu on the twittersphere. Thanks.