Cheers! Taptu Will Be at Gnomedex

Every August, around 400-500 geeks migrate north to Seattle, Washington for the annual Gnomedex conference.’a0 This event, put on by Chris Pirillo (former host on Tech TV), is a fantastic tech conference that is centered around facilitating conversation and building relationships amongst those who attend.

Gnomedex is a single-track conference where hallway conversations almost outweigh the sessions themselves.’a0 The conference is not billed as a “blogging” conference or centered around any one particular technology.’a0 The popular event is where tech-savvy enthusiasts of all backgrounds and interests gather to learn, explore, and network.

This year at Gnomedex, Taptu’s US Community Manager (me) Jason will be at the event to take part in all the action and hopefully meet some cool people interested mobile search and the mobile ecosystem.

In fact, to kick things off, Taptu will be hosting a round (or two) at the kick-off Tweetup that is occurring on Thursday, August 20th at the Alibi Room in Seattle.’a0 Join us at the Alibi Room from 5:00 – 6:45 PM.

Drop in, say hi, and join us for a beverage!’a0 🙂

Here’s more info about the Pre Gnomdex Tweetup:

Please RSVP At AnyVite

Official Gnomedex Event Calendar


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