Searching Twitter On Your Mobile

Since the rise of Twitter and the associated “real-time web”, much attention has been paid to how real-time search could perhaps pass conventional search results in usability and relativity.’a0 I’ll leave this debate to the blogosphere and social media anthropologists, but I do want point out one fact: searching Twitter on the mobile platform leaves…

Changing Health Care in Africa

The upcoming Palm Pre, Apple iPhone, and Nokia N97 are shiny and fun objects to blog about. However, this is the type of story that really gets my motor running. How can mobile technology be used for social good? Mobiles In Malawi uses SMS to deliver health care information that saves lives. See the following…

An iPhone So Yummy You Can Eat It

In Cambridge, we recently had our Spring Party. To celebrate the upcoming release of our iPhone application, we had a fantastic iPod Touch cake. And in case you were wondering: yes, the cake was as good as it looks! That is, of course, I was *told* it was really good.’a0 As I’m in the US,…

Nokia’s New N97 Flagship: CPU Mhz Isn’t Everything

Over the past few days, there have been many arguments about the Nokia’s soon-to-be-released flagship device: The Nokia N97.’a0 According to a Forum Nokia post, the N97’s CPU will be an ARM 11 processor running at 434 Mhz. To compare the N97’s processor speeds, another site has charted competing smartphones including the BlackBerry Bold, HTC…