Subsidized Acer Netbook Revealed

Acer has released an Acer One netbook (a very small notebook computer meant primarily for online productivity functions such as web surfing and email) that has a special caveat.

Image Courtesy WikiPedia

Image Courtesy WikiPedia

This Acer notebook has a special bargain basement price of $100, however by buying it, you’re agreeing to a two year data plan subscription/contract with AT&T.

That’s right, the lame US mobile network operators who are known for subsidizing cellular handsets have moved on to subsidizing netbooks as well.

So, in effect – this netbook will cost you $1540 over two years, not including taxes and other surcharges from AT&T.

My main issue is: most people are sick and tired of their mobile handset after two years and are yearning to get a new one – do you think you’re going to be happy with a netbook computer in two years?

The details on this netbook are as follows:

  • Ultra-compact size measuring 9.8″ x 6.7″ x 1.1″ (W x D x H), 2.44 pounds
  • Stylish piano-black finish
  • Built-in 3G capability
  • 802.11b/g wireless (Wi-Fi)
  • 8.9-inch LCD screen
  • Built-in Web cam
  • Intel(R) Atom(TM) processor
  • Windows XP Home
  • 1GB memory
  • 160GB hard drive
  • Built-in memory card readers (dedicated SD and 5-in-1)

The computer definitely serves the needs of on-the-go business persons who need to be connected, especially if they aren’t always around wi-fi hotspots.

[specs found from Boy Genius Report]

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