5 comments on “Africans and Their Mobiles, Part 1: Numbers and Usage Patterns
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  4. hi, i wonder if i can ask you some questions as i see you are an expert in this field

    i am going to live in south africa from ft lauderdale fl

    i need to accept calls made to my us cellphone in south africa on a local cellphone

    so i need to forward alot of calls to a south african cellphone

    vonage and skype charge like 25c a minute, that is to much, i am just found truphone, but i am not sure if they can forward calls
    at a cheap rate

    i think truphone is a good option for making calls to the US from south africa on a local cellphone

    do you have any suggestions for a company to use to forward the calls, and i am going to buy a new cellphone to handle these tasks, any suggestion for an unlocked cellphone to purchase

    i will be happy to pay for your expert advise

    thanks gus

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