Truphone Gets Ink in the Wall Street Journal

Truphone is a fantastic mobile VoIP I have written about extensively in the past. At the surface, Truphone is like Skype for your mobile phone. The application uses internet telephony to make cheap calls from your mobile. Truphone is a program that sits on your mobile phone and can be used while you’re attached to a Wi-Fi hotspot or on a 3G signal (unless you’re running it on an iPhone, then Truphone only works on Wi-Fi).

Truphone allows you to make very inexpensive calls, especially when you initiate international calling. This morning, the Wall Street Journal gets into the fray with mobile VoIP and profiles Truphone, among other applications.

Do you conduct international calls on your mobile?

One comment on “Truphone Gets Ink in the Wall Street Journal
  1. It’s great to see more attention coming to the mobile voip industry. I just wanted to mention that jaxtr offers low international calling rates in 220 countries, but people can use their mobile phones (or landlines) without downloading software.

    Let me know if you’re curious for more information about jaxtr, and have a great day.

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