Many fanatics who have hopped on the iPhone bandwagon, especially with the second coming last week, has proclaimed that the iPhone will overtake every competitor and dominate the market. There is no doubt the iPhone is a phenomenal device, but anyone who instantly proclaims it to be the death of every other mobile platform is short sighted.
Keep in mind, when it comes to the smartphone market, there are two major players in town, namely Research in Motion and Nokia. Jim Courtney is on to something where he says the Bold will “rule the Enterprise”. Jim has a very valid point. The BlackBerry Bold has universal 3G, Wi-Fi, true GPS, and many many features that the iPhone will never have. And the newly released Nokia E71 has an impressive set of features as well.
The near future will include creative-types and business people who want to appear ‘cool’ will adopt the iPhone as they have over the last year, but those who want to have flexibility and function will choose a handset like the Bold or E71.
The iPhone has caused major change for the better. It has caused the mobile industry to take many steps forward for handset makers to compete with Apple. People severely disliked their mobile handset before the iPhone came out, and now cell phone makers are having to consider rich, easy-to-use user interface design on the consumer and business side of the mobile handset market.
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