In this day and age of constantly rising SMS charges, it’s so refreshing to hear some good news regarding texting charges. The Guardian reported today that the EU is considering slashing texting charges.
Currently there are 2.5 billion text messages sent each year by EU mobile users when they are ‘roaming’ or using their mobile in another country. The EU is considering decreasing the charge to between â¬0.11 and â¬0.15 per message, whereby EU roaming texters currently pay an average of â¬0.29 per message while roaming. If you send an SMS in your native country, texting can cost around â¬0.034 per message.
The person behind the proposed change is Viviane Reding, EU telecoms commissioner. The EU is also considering caps on mobile minutes while roaming and data on a mobile connection as well.
I’d hope that with mobile data being so prevalent and inexpensive, carriers continue to lower the cost of SMS. It is well known that the cost to deliver SMS messages aren’t rising for cellular carriers, and they should pass these savings onto customers who will then be more likely to use SMS service.
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