IRS Stimulus Payment Schedule

Wondering when your stimulus payment is coming up? Well so was I! But then my buddy sent me the following link from the IRS that shows when your payment is due. Having two best friends that are accounts sure has it’s privileges!


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5 comments on “IRS Stimulus Payment Schedule
  1. I haven’t received my stimilus payment in my direct deposit account and my last two digits are number eleven. According to the chart it shows that I was suposed to get my check in my account on May 2, 2008. Please let me know when can i get it?. Thanks.

  2. Nelly – I don’t know. I’m just a blogger who posted the information from the IRS’ web site.

  3. I have not received my stimulus payment check. I am uncertain if I am eligible to receive one. My soc sec # ends with 54. How can I know if I am eligible and when and/or if I will receive it?

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