Whoa! Something *is* happening at GrandCentral

GC LogoI’ve been a long time user of and advocate for GrandCentral, an amazing service that was acquired by Google last year.

Since the acquisition, crickets have been chirping when it comes to GrandCentral talking, blogging, or releasing any new features.

Well they’re at least blogging again. The latest is that they are allowing a forwarding number to be used on two separate accounts. What does this mean? Say, for example, a married couple each have their own GrandCentral numbers and they both want to have their home number to be rung whenever either of the GrandCentral numbers are dialed.

Before this new GrandCentral announcement, this would not be possible. Whoever tried to register the home number second would have been denied by GrandCentral.

Also, according to the blog entry, “a lot of new features are in the works and we look forward to rolling them out quickly!”

Craig, we look forward to seeing them too!

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