Just a quick public announcement that I have a new writing gig. I’m now writing at one of my favorite blogs, Web Worker Daily. For those of you unfamiliar with it, Web Worker Daily is a fantastic blog that focuses on tech news and productivity for those who work on the web. It’s one of Om Malik‘s blogs and is part of the Giga Om Network.
I’ll primarily be writing at Web Worker Daily and I will also get the opportunity to contribute to the other blogs on the network, namely the flagship GigaOm.com.
To see my articles on WWD, check out my page on the site. Also, if you want an RSS feed of my articles, check out feed://feeds.feedburner.com/jasonswritings.
Congrats. Too bad you had to decide, but I think you made the right decision. Rock on.
woah J congrats!
What about downloadsquad?
Thomas, I’m not going to be writing for DLS any more. Giga Om’s network – Web Worker Daily and Giga Om are a better place for me, personally.
Hi Jason,
Congrats again! Thanks for the clarification, I wasn’t sure if you’ll be writing for both at the same time. Unsubscribing to DLS and adding WWD as we speak now 🙂
Congrats on the awesome gig! I already loved WWD, not it is just that much cooler. I will be sure to read every post you write.
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