T-Mobile gets mobile data plan pricing right

I’ve longed complained that mobile data phone plans are overpriced. That is, the price you pay to use your smartphone and it’s mobile data capabilities. I have owned a Treo 650 and a 700W, but I gave the device up because I’m unwilling to pay Verizon Wireless $40 a month for slow mobile data.

T-Mobile recently announced they’re dropping the price of their “Total Interenet” plan to $19.99 a month, down from $29.99. Also, you can do e-mail only Blackberry service for a mere $9.99 a month.

At this price, mobile data becomes realistic in my eyes and those of my friends and family. I pay roughly $40 a month for my broadband home internet access (which I can do *alot* more with then compared to a tiny screen on a cell phone). I believe the sweet spot for mobile data plans is an additional $10 to $20 month on top of your normal monthly calling plan.

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