I’m currently in Seattle for Gnomedex 7.0. For those of you unfamiliar with gnomedex, it’s a blogger/podcaster/rss/social media conference in Seattle hosted by Chris and Ponzi Pirillo (yes that Chris from the old TechTV).
I’m very excited to be here and I can’t wait for my first Gnomedex. It’ll be so much fun.
To follow what I’m doing, keep an eye on this site and my flickr feed.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Hi Jason,
Have a blast there. Say hi to Josh B. and Scoble for me 🙂 I’ll be watching your twitter and flickr for updates…
Happy Friday and weekend!
Looks like my invite got lost in the mail 🙁 O well I hope you have fun!
Nice ad on the back of your shirt, techcraver.com