I’m in the Wall Street Journal!

My phone rang yesterday and on the other end was a reporter named Samar Srivastava from the Wall Street Journal. Apparently he saw my post about the demise of Sunrocket and wanted to get a customer’s point of view on the debacle.

I spoke with him for about 15 minutes. When we were wrapping up the phone call he wasn’t sure if the story would run or not, but to my surprise it ran today, on page B9 of your Wall Street Journal.

Here’s my excerpt:

“SunRocket customers were irate. “I feel really disappointed and let down,” said Jason Harris, a Web developer in Portland, Ore., and a SunRocket subscriber for the past year. He says he plans to switch to ViaTalk, a division of HostRocket.com Inc., because he has read good things about it.”

Go ahead and read the whole article. I’m pretty stoked.

5 comments on “I’m in the Wall Street Journal!
  1. hey Ryan,

    meh I’d rather have SR be up than be in some paper 🙂 The main thing I’m concerned right now is getting my home phone number OUT of sunrocket and transferred to someone else.

    we’re all in the dark on whether that will be possible for sure.

  2. Hey JH, way to go! I remember hearing about SunRocket on NPR and it’s weird cause I thought of you. Our company has Vonage VoIP and so far I really like it. Hopefully it will stick around, too.

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