On Saturday, Sean, Leo, and I conquered 40 miles of the Historic Columbia River Highway. It was an awesome bike ride that was more strenuous than Reach The Beach. The hills were steeper and we were biking into a 35 mile an hour west wind. That was brutal!
Created with Paul’s flickrSLiDR.
We had a wonderful time and I can’t wait for next year! Next ride I’m going on is the Summit to Surf on July 28th.
beautiful wilderness!
did your t-shirt in one of the flickr pics say “I’m blogging this”?
yeah I had that t-shirt made. it has my website on the back.
I also wore this shirt on my other ride – Reach the Beach. That set is on flickr too.
Ah! the video explains the below photo. I was wondering if that was a one-hand-on-bike-with-other-on-camera photo =)
Looks like a ton of fun, wish I could have gone.
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