Join me as I Reach the Beach! A fundraiser for the American Lung Assoc.

I am participating in great event called Reach the Beach.  It is a bike ride that starts in Corvallis and meanders through wine country eventually ending in Pacific City (near Tillamook).  It is a warm up for the Cycle Oregon event and the ride is scheduled for May 19th.  The ride is also a fund raiser for the American Lung Association to fight lung disease.

I look forward to the event and am currently in the process of training.  The route I’m taking is 36 miles total, of which 18 is off-road and 17 is on-road.  We’ll start in Grand Ronde and take mostly logging roads over the Coastal range and finishing down into Pacific City.  It will be a lot of fun!

Part of my fundraising efforts is asking for donations for the American Lung Association.  My fundraising goal is $1500 and I’d appreciate any help individuals can help me reach the goal.  Even a pledge of $10 would help. 

Donating is very easy.  You can do it online by:
1) going to
2) click on “Sponsor a Rider” on the left hand side
3) Enter my first and last name (Jason Harris)
4) follow the steps on the website.

Note: all transactions are secured by using SSL (the same technology you use when buying something from or using your online banking)

Alternatively you can write a check to the American Lung Association of Oregon and putting my name in the subject line.  If you want to mail me the check, email me and I’ll give you my mailing address.  my email address is jason <at> techcraver <dot> com

For more info about the ride, please visit  Also my  phone number is (503) 334-2574
Thank You!

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  1. Pingback: Gearing up for Reach The Beach! « | Craving tech, craving life!

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