GrandCentral has their act together!

I have been trying out the new GrandCentral features. Most notable is the way to manage voicemails. Now you can see a map that shows there the caller called from. A tiny thing, but a very useful.

Grandcentral has figured out that it’s the small things that count. It works for Apple – now Grandcentral has brought this mentality to the world of telephony.

If you haven’t signed up for a Grandcentral account – hurry up and try it for yourself! They definitely “get it”.

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3 comments on “GrandCentral has their act together!
  1. Yeah i’m using a Portland number even though that’s not where I live…but at least it’s in my area code.

    I’d write them an email and suggest a bend number – I know they do have eugene #s


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