I’m craving a camera, but which one?

I already have a Canon Powershot A80, a 4 megapixel digital camera that I’m very happy with. Image quality is awesome and the camera has been great so far.
However, it’s a little bulky. I want something a little smaller and with higher resolution. I’m looking at two choices the Canon SD600 and SD630. They are very similar, with the main difference being the SD 630’s screen is 1/2 inch bigger. However you lose the optical viewfinder. The SD630 is about $40 more. What do y’all think? Here are pics, the SD600:

and the SD630:


3 comments on “I’m craving a camera, but which one?
  1. Two words, dude: Image Stabilization

    I have the SD 700 IS, and it’s essentially identical to the SD600, except that it adds an image stabilizer on the lens. That makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD for taking low light/indoor shots. Shots that would have been blurred beyond use on my older cameras come out crisp and clear.

    I saw it for under $300 on gotapex.com today, so it’s about the same price range (I paid full retail of $499 for mine when it came out, and it’s worth every penny).

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