From rocketboom to ABC – a success story

There’s a name that’s common and well-known in the web world – Amanda Congdon.  She used to be the host of an awesome daily web show called Rocketboom

Well about 2 or 3 months ago there was a disagreement that resulted in her quitting Rocketboom and doing her own thing.  Well now I read in this article that she’s going to work for ABC and is doing really well.

What’s the lesson to learn from all this?  Well, to me, it’s to be passionate about your work and to love what you do.  When she started Rocketboom, Amanda probably had larger aspirations but knew it was a great place to start.  You may not be in a job right now that totally meets all your needs, but stick with it – and keep an eye out for the next step.  Remember, we all had to start somewhere!

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